Magazine Covers
This video features a custom script that enables me to build compositions with moving grids of images/videos in mere seconds.
I've been using scripts and presets to figure out ways to work with large numbers of assets efficiently. In the process, I developed a script that builds comps with grids of moving image/video assets and then positions them in a main timeline in accordance with a beat.
Here's a process video showing the script in action.
The script 1) requests the selection of a layer that has marker times and 2) requests the definition of a folder name. From that information, I tell AE (using the script) that for every marker, it should create a comp with an image grid (random number of rows and columns), where the images animate, guided by pre-defined, custom presets. Finally, it should compile all of these comps into a new comp. All the while, I also tell AE to make sure to organize the assets neatly in folders on the side.